Negative Weight Spheres Ignore Astrally Burdened In Chests

Issue #2086 wontfix
Former user created an issue
  • Version:
  • Mods: N/A
  • Bug: Small spheres of negative weight ignore Normality/Astral Burden effects when inside chests in the player inventory; unsure if intended? Could make sense if chest blocks Normality effect, and is balanced by rarity/difficulty of spheres/tier 7 bits.
  • Steps to Reproduce: Put a Small Sphere of Negative Weight into a chest on the ground. Activate Ontological Anchor. Pick up chest. Chest should still register negative weight. Spheres added to or removed from chest cease/begin working as if an intended effect. (?)
  • Expected outcome: Spheres cease operation when chest is picked up and/or enters Normality gas.

Again, not 100% sure if this is intended, couldn't find anything on it from an Issue search. Loving the game btw. Only recently grabbed it, but absolutely loving it.

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