Carbide hand bones get "soft uninstalled" once a character reaches level 10 in the beta version of the game

Issue #2106 resolved
Filip Frąckiewicz created an issue

In version of the game if you reach level 10 with a True Kin that has carbide hand bones installed on character creation then those carbide fists get “soft uninstalled”. What I mean is that the implant is still in the implants list but your hands don’t show “carbide fist 2d3” in the equipment screen but “fist 1d2-1”.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Pick a True Kin character with carbide hand bones on character creation.
  2. Play unarmed (no weapons, just use your fists) and get the character to level 10.
  3. At level 10 you should notice that your fist damage just drops for no reason. Once this happens, check your equipment screen.

Fortunately, there is a workaround for this: simply uninstall the implant and reinstall it again at a becoming nook. I’ve attached my save of a character who is level 10 and is next to a becoming nook for convenience. I’ve managed to reproduce this bug a few times already but I just now caught bug at the exact level at which this occurs.

Comments (20)

  1. Filip Frąckiewicz Account Deactivated reporter

    Following up on this:

    I’ve noticed that the carbide hand bones tend to get randomly uninstalled from the fist slot as you play. They still show up in the implants list but you have to uninstall and then reinstall them in a nook in order to have your fists attack for the full 2d3 damage…

  2. Filip Frąckiewicz Account Deactivated reporter


    I just wanted to let you know that the carbide hand bones getting uninstalled issue showed back up but muuuuuuch later this time. I've attached my current save from version

    It's not as bad as before but certainly noticeable when you can't kill a Snapjaw in one hit for no reason :D

  3. Brian Bucklew repo owner

    can't reproduce after 201.33 fixes, going up tonight, let me know if you see it again, are you using any mods? if it happens again can you also post a player.log?

  4. Filip Frąckiewicz Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Brian,

    I am not using any mods at all. Sure, I can post a player.log if it happens after version 201.33. May I ask if this version will invalidate my current save or do I need to start a new game?

  5. Filip Frąckiewicz Account Deactivated reporter
    • changed status to open

    Hi Brian,

    I have started a new game after updating to and the issue happened again. I've attached the save and the Player log file as per your request. I am not using any mods whatsoever.

  6. Filip Frąckiewicz Account Deactivated reporter


    The workaround I described when opening this bug report no longer works so now uninstalling and then reinstalling the carbide hand bones no longer works around the issue. This save has my current character next to a becoming nook and you can see the issue for yourself: uninstall the carbide hand bones and then reinstall them. You will still just see "fists 1d2-1" instead of "carbide fists 2d3" in the equipment list. Player log is also attached.

  7. Filip Frąckiewicz Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Brian,

    I have reached level 12 on a new save in version and the carbide hand bones never disappeared from my fists slot. Thank you for looking into this weird bug!

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