[bug] ordering of added journal entries seems to be somewhat random, making certain questlines unintuitive

Issue #2130 resolved
Former user created an issue

This specifically is an issue in cases of being given a quest to perform an action at a location whose name can be identical to others, such as a snapjaw fort. When the location of the fort is added to your journal, and you already have other forts logged, it doesn't always seem to end up in a predictable spot relative to the others (i.e always added above or below previous entries), so it can be difficult to determine which fort you're meant to go to without searching all of them. Ordering identical entries by time listed, or denoting locations in the journal as being involved in a quest, could rectify this issue.

Another user noted that journals being randomly listed can make it difficult to find certain bits of information in the journal, such as in the Gossip & Lore tab, as they might end up in the middle of the journal rather than being placed in order of time acquired.

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