[#beta-bugs] super ultra extremely nitpickingly minor """"bug"""": there are some inconsisten...

Issue #2150 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: bug and pariah to their people

Message (jump):

<bug and pariah to their people> super ultra extremely nitpickingly minor """"bug"""": there are some inconsistencies with colored text in mutation descriptions during character creation. for example, Force Bubble's "12" under Duration is in light blue, but not the 100 under its Cooldown; Phasing's description has both numbers shown blue, while Force Wall's description has no alternate colored text at all.

Comments (4)

  1. Jason Grinblat

    I’m in the middle of normalizing this, but the idea is that cyan numbers indicate values that may change as you rank up the mutation. Force Bubble’s 100 cooldown isn’t cyan because it stays at 100 for all ranks. I just haven’t gotten to Force Wall yet.

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