Sunder Mind OP: Grit Gate not completeable before level 12, much less level 18.

Issue #2189 resolved
Donald Duck 001 created an issue

Grit Gate, layers 1-3.

18 in all starting stats except ego, arconaut. Level 12. Carbide gear. 50 Max HP, I’m down to about 30 while engaging crabs. 10 tiles away from the enemy esper. 3 average enemies between myself and the esper (Seeker of the Sightless Way) More than 10 tiles away from the stairs.

I die, and there is literally no way to counter.

I can’t shoot the esper in time, as the enemies in the way block the shot.

I can’t flee to the stairs in time, even with sprinting.

I have grenades, but throwing damage grenades doesn’t break the psychic battle. According to the tooltips, other sources of damage such as guns doesn’t break the psychic battle. I have a Paralyzing Stinger, but I can’t paralyze at range, and even if I could, Paralysis probably doesn’t break the psychic battle either. The only solution is to kill the esper before it kills me.

Incidentally, are Seekers supposed to drop Carbide? They ALL drop 1 piece of carbide and 2-3 pieces of iron or steel gear. Did you guys accidentally bump up the difficulty of Grit Gate across the board? It used to be they dropped steel at best.

If this level of difficulty is “intended”, please don’t noob trap Grit Gate with level specific rewards, at the very least.

Comments (5)

  1. Donald Duck 001 reporter

    Update: I’ve figured out how to kill seekers within three turns of seeing them. The trick is to rely on grenades, sowers seeds work. You can get sowers seeds by going to Kyakuya and baiting goatfolk into following you to the warden. As a backup plan, carbide chef and a Mashed Lag + Dried Lah Petal recipe can grant MA and Willpower.

    My third backup is teleport + phase. Phase out (to avoid colliding with walls), teleport to the stairs (within 12 tiles), sprint, reach the stairs before 10 turns are up.

    The current version of Sunder Mind on the early game Seekers still feels like a bit much. This is the type of preparation I would expect to need in Golgotha or Bethesda Susa. Getting that much gear without hitting level 12 requires cheesing the SDS scams or the Rainbow wood.

  2. Justin Healy

    I had a similar opinion of the new Sunder Mind with the Seekers that can be encountered fairly early game. I appreciate that they’ve been reduced. I haven’t tried the Mental Mirror mutation since the last release, but I tried it after the last rework and still got killed by Sunder Mind pretty easily, making me think it wasn’t really worth the 2 points. My solution was to go with a character with multiple legs and wings so I could either charge the Seeker or sprint to the stairs within the 10 turn time limit. This worked very well so far.

    One other thing: I was confused that my character with Sunder Mind breaks psychic contact if the target is no longer visible. However the Seekers are able to maintain the attack even when they can’t see you anymore. I thought, maybe this is where the ‘sightless way’ comes in. But they don’t start the attack until you are close enough for them to detect you, indicating that it would be possible to get far enough away that they would no longer detect you and break the psychic attack.

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