[#beta-bugs] game freezes when i try to equip a slot that i don't have an item for. it gives ...

Issue #2234 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: exsanguination microtubules

Message (jump):

<aggropop> game freezes when i try to equip a slot that i don't have an item for. it gives me the message (no item for this slot) then it goes from the equip screen to my inventory and the game doesnt respond to any input anymore. music still plays, but neither mouse nor keyboard does anything. happened twice with different characters, once in joppa, once in some underground ruins. weird thing is, i don't think it happens every time.

Comments (6)

  1. exsanguination microtubules

    Reproduced by enabling the prerelease inventory and clicking a paper doll equip slot. The game will take you into the console inventory and freeze with this error:

    Unknown view ID:Stage
    (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

    KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x0001e] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 at QupKit.LegacyViewManager.SetActiveView (System.String ID, System.Boolean bHideOldView, System.Boolean bForceEnter) [0x00151] in <d19508818ada4c7ca156f6cb3ec2552b>:0 at GameManager.UpdateView () [0x00119] in <d19508818ada4c7ca156f6cb3ec2552b>:0 at GameManager.OnUpdate () [0x00eb2] in <d19508818ada4c7ca156f6cb3ec2552b>:0 at QupKit.BaseGameController1[T].Update () [0x00000] in <d19508818ada4c7ca156f6cb3ec2552b>:0

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