Clone of a Character with evil twin defect, evil twin of clone is friendly towards original character

Issue #224 new
Former user created an issue

I have a character that has the evil twin defect, after cooking with a cloning draught, I have a clone that also has the evil twin defect. The evil twin for my clone triggered but the evil twin of my clone was friendly towards me, will not aggro my clone and essentially joins the party. So now I'm cave diving with my clone, my clone's evil twin and 4 other characters through beguile/proselytize and water rituals.

Furthermore, if I enter that map with all my friends, they all freeze, if I enter the map with just a proselytized snap jaw and my clone, everything continues running as normal.

Comments (12)

  1. Jason Grinblat

    Aside from everything else going on here, how about we say that an evil twin’s feeling toward creature X is -F where F is the original creature’s feeling toward creature X?

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