[#beta-bugs] If you have the "Automatically save every 5 zone transitions" option turned on, ...

Issue #2241 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Cloud of Flux-beetles

Message (jump):

<Cloud of Flux-beetles> If you have the "Automatically save every 5 zone transitions" option turned on, get lost on the world map and the game saves, if you reload that save you'll be placed on the world map with the "lost" status effect but without actually transitioning into the zone. Once you enter any zone, you'll become properly lost.

Steps to reproduce:
1)Have the "Automatically save every 5 zone transitions" option on
2)Start a new game
3)Change screens four times
4)Go to the world map
5)Wander around until you get lost
6)Reload the save by either a)using save/load commands or b)abandoning and reloading the file if you have permadeath turned off

Comments (3)

  1. Autumn [wading]

    I’ve noticed this will pretty much happen anytime the game saves while transitioning from the world screen, and is noticeable in other cases such as when you discover Grit Gate (or anywhere else) for the first time, and then die/reload.

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