Followers Freeze due to an indefinite status effect and cannot perform any actions until dominating them and wishing for clean

Issue #225 resolved
Former user created an issue

So I find this is happening with proselytized and beguiled characters. Somehow, status effects become permanent on these characters and they no longer respond to talk commands to move somewhere, attack or stay/come along.

I'm running a beguile domination so when I dominate the frozen character, my computer freezes as it is seemingly trying to resolve the status effect, this takes about 2-3 minutes and allows for a single turn, if I do anything, it takes about 2-3 minutes to go to the next turn. When dominated, it is possible to reset this by wishing for clean.

I've seen duplicates of the confusion status effect stack on these characters. In addition to that, attributes such as MV may be set to a certain value as per hobble but never return to normal.

Another circumstances that this happens is when the character is standing adjacent to player character that has mental mirror and a fight begins with a character that has confusion and mental mirror as well, it usually starts with the opponent casting confusion that encompasses the player character and character. I can't tell if the confusion area of effect is bounced back and forth between the mirrors and hitting the adjacent character each time. But the end result is the situation described above.

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