[#bugs] A few people have mentioned there are issues with breath cooking effects. Here a...

Issue #2258 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: exsanguination microtubules

Message (jump):

<exsanguination microtubules> A few people have mentioned there are issues with breath cooking effects. Here are some details from what I've observed:
• Breath cooking effects are far weaker than they used to be. It seems like they are giving you level 1 no matter what, or something similar. Elder breathbeard has a cone length of 14 tiles, and the concentrated beard paste used to give the same breath to the player when cooked. But now the player's breath is always like 4-5 tiles long and really tiny/weak.
• Multiple breath cooking effects no longer seem to stack. Previously they would say, for example: "Can use Fire Breath at level 5. If you already have Fire Breath, it's enhanced by 5 levels." But now they just say "Can user Fire Breath at level X" even if you have multiple of them in a recipe.

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