Game freezes, forces Alt+f4 exit when you skip installation of active-ability cybernetic.

Issue #2307 resolved
Former user created an issue

When you hit enter, space, esc, or any other key that skips the scrolling text confirming that your new cybernetic has been installed, it displays the text that alerts you the nature of your new active ability, which you can exit out of. However, once that occurs, the screen is frozen depicting the message in whatever incomplete state it was in when you tried to skip it. This only happens for the installation of active-ability cybernetics, not replacement with or installation of a non-active cybernetic, or uninstallation of any cybernetic. However, a forced alt-f4, especially with autosaves disabled, is a big deal, possibly save-bricking though it hasn't occurred to me. I reproduced the bug very easily, for this example I used onboard recoiler but really any active or toggle-able cybernetic works and included a picture of the notification message and the incomplete readout upon exiting that message.

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