Sparktick Scrotum has been misspelled

Issue #232 wontfix
Jay Little created an issue

I always read it as Sparktick Scrotum and thought it was hilarious. Until one of your developers pointed out to me on my twitch stream yesterday that it is actually Scutum instead of Scrotum. This ruined my day and the resulting depression surely contributed to the premature end of my run at the bottom of Golgotha (not the copious amounts of greed that kept me down there looking for a cybernetic credit I didn’t need just so I could sell it even after I found a waydroid mind you) just a handful of minutes later.

Please do your part and help me to get on with my life rather than the face enormity of the truth: That I can’t spell or read things correctly. Here is a tragic clip which proves that my pain is real:


Also, thank you for this wonderful game!

Comments (4)

  1. Corey Frang

    Heh - Welcome to the tracker.

    Scutum is actually a word for “a thickened horny or bony plate on a turtle's shell or on the back of a crocodile, stegosaurus, etc.”

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