[#bugs] Official report: I'm noticing a creeping slowdown as I play the game. it gets so...

Issue #2354 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: bug and pariah to their people

Message (jump):

<Don Quixote> Official report: I'm noticing a creeping slowdown as I play the game. it gets so bad that the wait command eventually slows to a crawl in certain areas, grit gate being one of the worst offenders. I timed the wait 500 command via stopwatch as such:
Time to wait 500 turns at grit gate: 21.45 seconds. Time to wait 500 turns at my starting village: 12.86 seconds.
Time to wait 500 turns at grit gate, new world, same seed: 7.24 seconds. Time to wait 500 in starting village in a new world, same seed: 2.35 seconds.
Obviously major slowdown is occuring.
Here's the save file; I have one mod but it's just a starting class mod, no items or anything.

Comments (10)

  1. Justin Healy

    I’m not sure if I am seeing the exact same issue, but playing on the latest main release (201.46) around turn 35,000, while exploring a location with a lot of urchin belchers, I encountered an instance where my character was surrounded by confusion and sleep gas and it started getting reeeaaally slow, processing a turn every few seconds. It didn’t happen until I was quite a ways through the temple and had encountered numerous belchers and had lots of urchins, so it wasn’t the just the first time there was a lot of gas on the screen that caused it. I was able to recoil to Grit Gate, but the extreme delay persisted even there. Now, my character can move a space or two and then the game freezes for several seconds before allowing me to take another action.

    I would upload the save file, but I’m not sure how to do that on a bug someone else created, and I didn’t want to create a duplicate bug.

  2. Justin Healy

    Awesome; thanks! I was even able to finish my save game after the last release! I died after only 30 more minutes of play, but at least I have closure. 😔

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