[#bugs] So. Official bug report: I am rolling natural 1s on saving throws vs inahling co...

Issue #2404 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: exsanguination microtubules

Message (jump):

<Don Quixote> So. Official bug report: I am rolling natural 1s on saving throws vs inahling confusion gas through a gas mask (technically two) and getting confused, which given how long confusion gas lingers makes it practically a useless item. this is compounded by the fact that you are confused long enough you can fail the same through via a natural 1 again, and again, and again. The solution is obvious; gas masks should either disinhibit the player so they no longer can roll natural 1s on saving throughs vs inhalation effects, or inhalation effects in general shouldn't take into account nat 1s.

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