[#beta-bugs] found an item duping glitch. if you equip an item directly from a chest, it'll l...

Issue #253 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Issue requested by: gnarf

Message (jump):

<luminous eva problems> found an item duping glitch. if you equip an item directly from a chest, it'll leave a copy of that item in the chest that appears when you check the chest again. the copy item will behave as though it's the one you have equipped - it'll have no "get" option and only a "remove" option and removing it will unequip the version you have equipped. the copy item still lends its weight to the container. the dupe happens if you enter the trade screen with the chest - then you can transfer the copy into your inventory and it will act as its own full-fledged version of the item

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