Permanently nullified

Issue #2652 resolved
Former user created an issue

So i was doing Bethesda, when suddenly i noticed that my stats seemed lower than they should be. In addition, i couldn't phase anymore and my banana cocktails didn't work. I was affected by the status of dimensionally tethered. I got a warning suggesting a normality lattice in the local region prevented the activation. I tried to get rid of this effect, even going so far as to wishing it cleansed, but the effect didn't disappear. I believe what happened is that i ate nullbeard paste(or sth similar) and while the mutation disappeared, the astrally tethered effect persisted, even after it had run its course. I actually finished the dungeon with it on(don't ask me how), so the log probably isn't much use. I hope you can find the issue and fix it. Send me back my savefile, if you manage it... i know i savescummed, but it's the first time i came this far.

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