Losing burrowing claws because of Chimera body parts

Issue #2800 resolved
Former user created an issue

I was playing a character using Burrowing Claws as my primary attack, and i had the chimera mutation. When I leveled up, i chose to get a new mutation, and I picked the one that would make me grow a new body part (it was Wings that got the extra body part that time). I grew a hand out of my right hand (a right hand-hand). Afterwards, I checked my equipment, and my NEW right hand had burrowing claws, but my normal left arm/hand had LOST burrowing claws. also multiple arms mutation doesn't receive burrowing claws if both are picked at character creation, which strikes me as an oversight.

Comments (3)

  1. Jake Hanson

    I am the op of this report, and i just experienced the same bug again: i chose a mutation (freezing hands this time) that would give me a new body part, and grew a bine out of my back, and the bine received the burrowing claws but i lost them again on my left hand.

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