Wiki Team Request: Order of BaseRocketProjectile/ProjectileSwarmRocket

Issue #2915 resolved
exsanguination microtubules created an issue

Our wiki blueprint loader tool currently uses a one-pass algorithm to load from ObjectBlueprints.xml, so it doesn’t gracefully handle object entries that Inherit from an object not yet defined. In the latest patch, ProjectileSwarmRocket does this - it inherits from BaseRocketProjectile which isn’t defined until later in the file.

We are going to work on updating our wiki tool to properly handle out-of-order object blueprints (we’ll do a two-pass load similar to how the game does it), but for the time being, we would be forever grateful if BaseRocketProjectile could be moved above ProjectileSwarmRocket in the ObjectBlueprints.xml 🙂

Comments (1)

  1. exsanguination microtubules reporter

    This is now fixed in our wiki uploader, actually, so this is no longer an issue for us. Closing this ticket.

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