Minor issues with Sultan Relic generation

Issue #2998 resolved
exsanguination microtubules created an issue
  • "coin" is not specified in RelicGenerator.supportedTypeMap. This causes an error in Player.log (Unknown relic type: coin, tier: 4) and also results in the relic being generated as a random item type (I've seen it spawn as a dagger, a pistol, or a curio).
  • "gauntlet" is not specified in RelicGenerator.supportedTypeMap (only "gauntlets" and "iron gauntlet"). However, "gauntlet" is a possible item type chosen from HistorySpice for sultan relics. I had a sultan with this item type and the "gauntlet" relic generated as a book instead of as gloves.
  • Ranged weapons (pistol and rifle) are not included in the HistorySpice tables used to select sultan relics. As a result, there will never be a pistol, rifle, or other ranged weapon that appears in sultan lore events. Would be cool to see sultan lore about a sultan wielding a flamethrower or something like that :D (note that, through random selection, pistol and rifle relics can still appear in historic ruins if there wasn't a specific sultan relic lost there)

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