autocollecting liquids seems to bypass liquid pickup effects?

Issue #3046 new
Brian Bucklew repo owner created an issue

1 dram of water + autoget liquids seems to bypass some pickup code paths?

Comments (3)

  1. chaos

    neutron flux can be mixed easily
    you can pour things into flux with no repercussions
    you can't pour flux into things
    i am a self certified expert on neutron flux
    well on the ground is another matter
    that operates on different rules
    oh dear
    neutron flux can be duplicated
    pour neutron flux on the ground
    pour 64 drams of water on it
    manage to survive the explosion
    collect the neutronic salt and desalinate it
    for whatever reason pouring water on it increases the liquid volume by that amount, but adds no additional water to it
    i'm assuming it wouldn't add any other liquid regardless of what was poured, but would still raise the quantity of the neutronic salt on the ground by that amount
    which in our case is about 50:50 flux to salt
    which is probably around 30 neutron flux by the end of it, probably less from the desalination

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