[#bugs] I permaswapped with an NPC and have a droid scrambler (that i picked up after pe...

Issue #3196 new
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Bird of Flux

Message (jump):

<bitdizzy> I permaswapped with an NPC and have a droid scrambler (that i picked up after permaswapping) but waydroids in grit gate are still hostile to me. This sounds similar to this resolved ticket: https://bitbucket.org/bbucklew/cavesofqud-public-issue-tracker/issues/237/dominated-npc-has-droid-scrambler

Comments (4)

  1. Grace Mercer

    User's save.

    I couldn't reproduce this on a new save. The scrambler clearly doesn't work on this particular creature, but as soon as I permaswapped to a different one, it resumed its function.

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