[#bugs] Light Manipulation-related bug on version, if the Lase fro...

Issue #3342 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: neutronic oozing Dij

Message (jump):

<pokedragonboy> Light Manipulation-related bug on version

Seemingly, if the Lase from Light Manipulation does not penetrate the first thing it its path (be that a wall, a creature, etc), rather than stopping, it just keeps moving forwards along the path it is targeted on, and will try to hit the next thing on that path. If it fails to hit that, it will continue until it hits the next thing, and so on. This only ends when the Lase successfully penetrates or it reaches the end of its path.

Primarily, this means that Lase can hit enemies behind walls (if the walls have a sufficiently high AV).

Intended behavior (I believe) would be that Lase hits a wall and stops, regardless of whether it penetrated the wall or not.

This can be reproduced by starting a new file with the Light Manipulation mutation, using wishes to construct a wall with high AV (fulcrete was used for my testing), using wishes to place a creature behind that wall, moving around to the other side of the wall, and firing a Lase at that the tile that creature occupies. The Lase should fail to penetrate the wall and then hit the creature.

Attached is a video demonstrating how the bug works (shooting a snapjaw in a fulcrete box), that it only works if the Lase fails to penetrate (attempting to shoot a snapjaw in a shale box), and that it works regardless of the thickness of the walls or whether the target is visible (shooting snapjaws through varying thicknesses of fulcrete, both with and without Clairvoyance).

(The pinned messages say to attach a picture, but I think a video is more informative, so I hope that is fine.)

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