Weak Spotter + Masterwork Grants Higher Crit Chance Than Intended?

Issue #3349 resolved
exsanguination microtubules created an issue

Masterwork: This weapon scores critical hits twice as often.

Weak Spotter: You score critical hits with pistols twice as often.

I would expect this combination to result in a 20% chance to score a critical hit (base 5% * 2 * 2).

In actuality, it results in a 25% chance to score a critical hit. (natural rolls of 16, 17, 18, 19, or 20 all cause a critical hit)

Relevant code from XRL.World.Parts.MissileWeapon:

int bonus = 0;
if (ParentObject.HasPart("ModMasterwork"))
    ModMasterwork modMasterwork = ParentObject.GetPart("ModMasterwork") as ModMasterwork;
    bonus += modMasterwork.Bonus;
if (Skill == "Pistol" && Owner.HasSkill("Pistol_WeakSpotter"))
    bonus = ((bonus == 0) ? 1 : ((1 + bonus) * 2));
if (NaturalHitResult + bonus >= 20)
    criticalHit = true;

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