[#beta-bugs] Lava based fluids do not warn you before you step into them, making it far too e...

Issue #337 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Issue requested by: kindlethumbed helado

Message (jump):

<TheBlackHand> Lava based fluids do not warn you before you step into them, making it far too easy to destroy your items by mistake or even without reasonable means to mitigate the possibility given that vantablooms, obscuring gas, and blinding flash effects exist. Similarly to large pools, the game should prompt you before you step into the extra-spicy five-alarm rock soup.

A similar concern exists with acid, but given that acid can be rinsed off without the aftermath of having to choose which flaming item to put out and which to let burn to nothing with the limited time you have (if you don't have repair abilities), and the fact that lava is realistically detectable from a distance due to heat, acid doesn't need this feature nor would it be logically justified as much.

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