[#bugs] Was recommended that I post this here. My character got vim'd by Mamom Souldrink...

Issue #3421 wontfix
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: neutronic oozing Dij

Message (jump):

<Gremdavel> Was recommended that I post this here. My character got vim'd by Mamom Souldrinker, moved off the map tile behind many trees, kept taking damage, teleported to town, but then continued to take damage and died. Perhaps I misunderstood exactly what happened, but I'm told that the damage should stop when line of sight breaks. This is viewable at the end of this episode: https://youtu.be/K0bPleo9bT0

Comments (3)

  1. exsanguination microtubules

    In short, Syphon Vim works across zones.

    Also happens if you go up or down stairs or walk to an adjacent zone. Unsure if intended.

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