[#bugs] I've been implementing some mod functionality for curing followers' fungal infec...

Issue #3474 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: exsanguination microtubules

Message (jump):

<Kizby> I've been implementing some mod functionality for curing followers' fungal infections, and I noticed much of the logic around eating guards relevant popups behind if ((...).IsPlayer()), but CurableFungalInfection doesn't, so when I (unmodded) dominate someone with a fungal infection, eat the FungalCureWorm, then end domination, the eventual "The queasiness passes" message pops up even though it's no longer my queasiness passing; if the bearer of the infection is not the player, CurableFungalInfection should only show pop-ups for consequences visible to the player (e.g. curing the infection), and they should be conjugated appropriately

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