[#bugs] Would it be possible for each scripting mod to get its own Harmony instance, nam...

Issue #3540 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: exsanguination microtubules

Message (jump):

<Kizby> Would it be possible for each scripting mod to get its own Harmony instance, named after the mod id? Being able to specify HarmonyBefore and HarmonyAfter attributes (https://harmony.pardeike.net/articles/priorities.html) where multiple mods patch the same method would make them more predictable and maintainable. I'm guessing there were performance reasons behind the choice to compile all scripting mods as a single assembly with a single Harmony instance, but I suspect that caching the individually compiled mods would often result in better load performance when only one or two mods has changed.

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