[#bugs] weird interactions between VISAGEs and psychometry. previously, when you lost a ...

Issue #3638 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: special guest eva problems

Message (jump):

<special guest eva problems> weird interactions between VISAGEs and psychometry. previously, when you lost a source of technoscanning, everything you hadn't manually identified before you started technoscanning returned to its unidentified state. now, even when i no longer have technoscanning, every artifact i've found stays identified, but psychometry still considers them unidentified for the purposes of the recipe learning message. (the items appear as they should in my tinkering menu, it seems to just be an issue with the message. the guise of the axial electrician is a relic VISAGE.)

Comments (4)

  1. chaos

    The overall change to the behavior upon loss of techscanning was accidental, but we have now decided to keep it and this will be reflected in the next update's change notes. Unable to reproduce anything wrong with the Psychometry interaction; it displays the "learn recipe" action on an identified instance and the "learn what it is" action on an unidentified instance, as expected.

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