Borderless Windowed

Issue #3701 wontfix
Cass created an issue

Hey, as someone with literally no attention span who clicks between windows all the time, borderless windowed mode would be super nice.

I know Borderless Windowed is a bit of a pain in the arse with Unity, but there are a few ways that could be possible - I’ve spent a while trying to make a mod to do it, but the issue is that GameManager ties whether or not the window is fullscreen to “OptionDisplayFullscreen” and UpdateFlags sets the FullScreenMode to FullScreenWindow when DisplayFullScreen is true, which means that any attempt to change the FullScreenMode causes a cyclic battle for dominance between the mod code and UpdateFlags.

Even just making it compatible with the -popupwindow launch argument would be great, as rn even that workaround doesn’t work.

Comments (4)

  1. Brian Bucklew repo owner

    well, it is borderless windowed, that’s what fullscreenwidnow is, it’s not exclusivefullscreen which is the alternative; the problem is it’s not a runtime-settable setting if it’s visible in the background or not in Unity, it’s compile time, so it’d be a permanent change for everyone, and I’d probably prefer to leave it this way given the choice.

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