Show Equipment Stats in Picker

Issue #3725 open
Cass created an issue

When looking at items to equip into a slot, or looking at slots to equip an item into, the stats (AV, DV or PV and Damage) arent shown, meaning that I often have to go back out and flip between screens comparing stats. Would be much easier if PickItem showed the key stats for equipment like it is shown in the main Equipment and Inventory screens. This would be extra useful when using mods that add lots of new equipment.

Comments (5)

  1. chaos

    Unable to replicate. PickItem uses full DisplayName. “When looking at items to equip into a slot”, all items shown to be selected from have their stats visible. When “looking at slots to equip an item into”, you don’t see stats on the slot selection screen, but you just came from a screen where full stats were visible. No visible difference in modern/extra-modern UI on weekly. Since this seems to be describing behavior that’s just flatly not happening, maybe it’s about beta UI behavior?

  2. Cass reporter

    Hmm, looking at it again seems I cant replicate it anymore either, must have gotten mixed up somehow given I have been playing around with UI stuff recently, sorry about that, Ill double check my reports in future - either way, I still think it would be very useful to have it in “looking at slots to equip an item into”, when you have multiple limbs that can wield a weapon or a shield, you pick up a great new weapon, you cant just go to your inventory, select the weapon and then be able to see the stats of other weapons you may be replacing.

    If I have five limbs, and I want to figure out if one of the weapons I just got from a chest is better than any of them, I would currently need to go back and forth between screens comparing my new items to my equipped items, rather than just selecting equip on a new item and being able to see all the stats to decide what, if anything, to replace.

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