[#modding] Is there any way to register something as a part while still using my own namesp...

Issue #3835 new
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Armithaig

Message (jump):

<Fyre> Is there any way to register something as a part while still using my own namespace for customizability

Comments (4)

  1. Corey Frang

    Probably wouldn’t be so bad if it were a search of classes with the [XRL.World.PartAttribute] followed up by a resolve in XRL.World.Parts (to backcompat)

  2. Sol

    one conundrum is: how are they resolved in the objects xml? for instance, if it were possible to reference a part without its namespace there (other than XRL.World.Parts), then it would suddenly become ambiguous if another mod came along later using that same part name. so i think the namespace should be required to be given in the xml unless it’s the default one, for the sake of futureproofing

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