Wire Quest Tracking Bug

Issue #3924 resolved
Former user created an issue

Can not complete the wire quest from Argyve. As near as I can tell the quest tracker only counts each wire type once. For instance if I have 4 50' wires it only counts the first one in the quest tracker and the other three are ignored.

I've got 414 feet of wire, but the quest only counts 64 feet of it.

Comments (15)

  1. Dij

    a report from zephyr saying that all wire gathered before starting the quest doesn’t count, and dropping it and picking it up again does not fix this.

  2. TRboom

    Okay, made an account to comment. I was very certain that I only gathered wire after I accepted the quest to gather wire. I went and tested it after I read Dij’s comment. All wire I picked up did not count towards quest completion. Still sitting at 64 feet of wire collected per the quest.

  3. Medi Ding

    I think this is caused by wires stacking now. If you damage a wire in a stack, it will count since now it can’t stack with the others.

  4. TRboom

    Hello! I definitely got a short update yesterday around 2000 EST. Hoping that was it jumped in game to turn in my wires. I could not do so.

    I tried dropping wires and picking them back up, went from 0 to 64 when I did that.

    I went back out to the Rusty Hills to see if new wire would fix it. A new 50' segment did not update my total.

    I went back to Joppa, ate some Apple Matz, and then dropped individual segments of 50' wire on the ground so I could attack it as suggested by Medi Ding. This worked, once I picked up damaged wire my quest total updated. I’ve included a picture. This method works, but I don’t think the issue is resolved Chaos.

  5. Debbie Jackson

    This issue is not resolved. The wire strands still stack by size and blue text still only counts one of each length/stack for the quest.

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