[#bugs] Bug: Sprint seems to not scale with movespeed (perhaps quickness too?) It only l...

Issue #3941 wontfix
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Schematix

Message (jump):

<Tagek> Bug: Sprint seems to not scale with movespeed (perhaps quickness too?) It only lasts for 10 ''steps'' even though I have 260 movespeed. Another user brought up the same issue just now in qud-questions.

This is on the latest (non-beta) patch and only QudUX, no other mods

Comments (5)

  1. Trione

    The official wiki says “Caves of Qud is a turn-based game. Quickness determines the number of actions a character may take in one turn.” By that description, sprint should last for 10 turns, not 10 player actions. Is the wiki wrong and we should always assume one turn equals one action?

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