[#bugs] Upon using domination and being stranded in your new body, you appear to maintai...

Issue #3958 open
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Jak

Message (jump):

<Icehawk78> Upon using domination and being stranded in your new body, you appear to maintain the reputation of the body you are (now permanently) inhabiting, but are unable to view what your faction reputation is, and (unconfirmed) it seems like doing reputation-altering things affects your original body's rep (as seen on the reputation page) rather than your new body's rep (thus preventing you from knowing in advance what your relations will be or being able to alter them).

Expected behavior: Not... entirely sure? Ideally, viewing the reputation page while dominating a character should show their reputation rather than your original one (like how viewing inventory shows theirs, along with all the other pages) and actions taken as another character should affect that character's reputations rather than your own.

Comments (8)

  1. Jakusio

    more from icehawk:

    When your mind is stranded in another body, the aggression levels of other NPCs doesn't appear to change, ever.

    Reproduction steps: I tested this by spawning a legendary baboon (testhero:Baboon), dominating it and then body swapping, spawning 5 Schrodinger pages (FactionDeed) and reading them to further increase my faction rep with Dogs, and then finally spawning a legendary dog (testhero:Dog). I first tried to talk to the dog, which it doesn't allow for. However, beguiling it and then chatting with it to water ritual provides me with the options that I would normally have given my faction rep (because it's beguiled, that's only sharing secrets, not asking to join you, but I assume if there was a way to make it calm enough to talk to without beguiling then you could recruit it despite the creature naturally trying to kill you).

    Expected behavior: When your mind is stranded somewhere, the game should treat your new body as yourself - if the goal is to have you be treated as the creature whose body you now inhabit, then there should be a one-time override of the player's faction reputations with the original creature's faction reputations, and from that point on, treat the new host body as the player, for the purposes of having faction reputation affect aggression levels of other NPCs. (Presumably this same behavior should happen if there's a double-domination chain that results in the player's mind inhabiting another character's, assuming that is also intended behavior.)

  2. rockygr

    from Mal: The factions screen doesn’t show the factions of your body, just the player’s initial character.

    This is an issue when domination is used on a non follower, and especially evident with swapping.

    Either the dominatee should inherit the players reputations, or (if it somehow opens up cool infiltration stuff) the factions screen should be updated to reflect the new dominatees reputations.

    This second fix might require faction reputations shifts to affect the dominatee’s reps, but that’s another whole can of worms.

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