(spoilers) "The Assessment" score calculation may be bugged?

Issue #3971 resolved
Former user created an issue

I just finished the "Call to Arms", and it was pretty bloody. At least two barathrumites died, a lot of stuff got destroyed, but Otho still gave me a perfect assessment. I didn't make a screenshot in time unfortunately, but you can see in the screenshot that I got the 300 rep. The assessment said basically "nothing was destroyed (no crops, shelves, etc.) and nobody died - perfect".

This is the first time I've seen this bug. The only unusual thing I can think of was that I started the quest with Two barthrumite followers that I picked up along the way. A legendary barathrumite tinker and two of his non-legendary companions (another barthrumite and a chromeling, who also died in the attack). Maybe the fact that more barathrumites were present than the grit gate inhabitants breaks the calculation?

Mods: only Clever Girl

Comments (4)

  1. monacle geraffe

    Update: I checked again. It seems like both of my barathrumite followers survived, but three of the grit gate inhabitants did not.

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