[#modding] it looks like failed harmony patches aren't consistently cleared out when reload...

Issue #4009 open
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: autumn, waveform worm

Message (jump):

<Apollo (they) | Kizby> it looks like failed harmony patches aren't consistently cleared out when reloading mods? I was making a transpiler for XRLCore.PlayerTurn and screwed up a branch instruction, but when testing fixes to the transpiler, nothing made the error go away until I restarted the client, implying that it was still trying to run the original bugged code. in case it's relevant, the error was:MODERROR [Clever Girl] - Exception applying harmony patches: HarmonyLib.HarmonyException: Patching exception in method System.Void XRL.Core.XRLCore::PlayerTurn() ---> System.FormatException: Method System.Void XRL.Core.XRLCore::PlayerTurn() cannot be patched. Reason: Invalid IL code in (wrapper dynamic-method) XRL.Core.XRLCore:XRL.Core.XRLCore.PlayerTurn_Patch0 (XRL.Core.XRLCore): IL_08c4: ldloc.s 26

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