Experience/Rewards with Metamorphosis

Issue #4108 new
Mark Grant created an issue

What happens: If you metamorphose into another creature, you obtain that creature’s level. This is OK for the most part, but when it comes to level specific rewards it can be abused.


  • Metamorphose into a chromeling in order to get rewards from Barathrumite quest that has better rewards for lower levels.
  • In current alpha builds when playing in wander mode if you metamorphose into a higher level character then when you revert to lower level you will get potentially massively enhanced rewards (for example turning into irudad in joppa and completing the argyve q1 and q2 can leave you at level 14 before leaving joppa for the first time)

    • This is technically an issue outside of alpha/normal modes as well, although in order to abuse it you need to take a risk and go in the other direction. Transforming into a lower level character will allow you to gain experience as if you were that level all over again but with greatly enhanced equipment. This is less abusive since it does carry inherent risks and the amount of exp you can gain in this way is less significant / more work.

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