Mac OS <11 : game is bricked

Issue #4167 resolved
T-Tux created an issue


Starting CoQ on my Mac displays the splash screen before immediately crashing. Sometimes (not all the time oddly enough), I am prompted with a popup window that displays the following:

The lldb command requires the command line developer tools. Would you like to install the tools now?

I have 320 hours in this game (with probably another 50 or more from when I didn’t have internet for a month) and have never ever been prompted to download anything for the game. I play vanilla, with no mods or workshop content.

Upon trying to download said app, I find that the app is only supported by Mac OS 11 and greater. Now, I’ve come to find that my 2012 Macbook will never have Support above Mac OS 10. If this app is essential as of literally last friday, I am now unable to play my favorite video game.

I have included pictures of various things that may be of interest. I have also saved the crash logs. Please contact me at with any questions or ideas you might have to help resolve this issue. CoQ is very important to me and I would love to resolve this as soon as possible.

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