[#bugs] https://www.sf4remix.com/anotaks_temp_crap/temporal-fugue-clones-staying-forever...

Issue #418 invalid
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Issue requested by: luminous eva problems

Message (jump):

<anotak> https://www.sf4remix.com/anotaks_temp_crap/temporal-fugue-clones-staying-forever-and-cloning-themselves-unequippable-shield-jun-13-2020.7z

my temporal fugue clones are staying forever and also cloning themselves. also the shield i have equipped fails to unequip when i choose to remove it, with no error message

Comments (3)

  1. chaos

    Appears to be from stable branch, therefore too outdated to work with. If this is not actually the case please reopen.

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