Mind over Body

Issue #4219 resolved
Former user created an issue

I propose that Mind over Body should be given the extra effect of allowing you to eat corpses when not famished. With both Fasting Way and Mind over Body, it takes 14400 turns to progress from Hungry to Famished (and you can't travel on the world map without resetting it).

NB: Mind over Body's effect of (greatly) postponing the Famished condition is not an advantage; it is an outright disadvantage.

Comments (3)

  1. Sol

    this relevant suggestion was posted in #the-sacred-well just now:

    Suggestion: Fasting Way should let you eat disgusting food while not starving (to not punish you for having it while waiting for fungus cure)

    so this is just to say this same general idea came up again and i think one or the other would be a good change

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