weight being calculated in new and wildly inaccurate ways (202.65 beta)

Issue #4244 resolved
Mark Grant created an issue

I haven’t been able to figure out where the delta #s are coming from. At first I thought it was something weird with my save, but I tried this in a fresh game and was able to replicate.(note: once you actually buy it, it reflects correctly similar to other issues with how weight is calculated, but this a new phenomenon not one of the more common scenarios.)

Comments (4)

  1. Mark Grant reporter

    @Armithaig this is fixed in current beta build … however I do now understand that the cause for this bug was because the game was trying to calculate future weight correctly including adjustments to water weight. (I’m assuming now that it was probably adding instead of subtracting.)

    Calculations are now correct, however it introduces a bug of lesser significance (and easier casual comprehensibility) which is that if you attempt to buy an item of sufficiently high value without having the water to offset it, it will suggest that your future weight as a negative value:

    (don’t worry about argyve having all those aggregators, that was me fooling around)

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