[#bugs] occasionally the first example of an unidentified artifact, once identified, has...

Issue #4323 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: special guest eva problems

Message (jump):

<special guest eva problems> occasionally the first example of an unidentified artifact, once identified, has an incorrect coloration. this prevents items from stacking properly. the example here is most apparent with the nav system implants but the coloration can also be observed on the custom visage, fire suppression system, and inflatable axons

Comments (5)

  1. eva problems

    further examples - the nuclear cell in the workbench was the first one i ever encountered, the one in my inventory is one i just wished into existence. i believe that fidget cell with the chrome coloration was also my first.

  2. exsanguination microtubules

    Additionally, the reverse is true - unidentified items can have their parent object’s colors. This occurs if there’s several of them in one spot. For example, wish StabilizerArmLocks and then look at the pile that appears, you’ll see something like this:

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