[#bugs] Hey, I need some help getting out of a weird bug. I got to Klanq, but soon after...

Issue #4325 resolved
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Marked for crossposting by: rockygr

Message (jump):

<Blink> Hey, I need some help getting out of a weird bug. I got to Klanq, but soon after, a dervish of the sightless way cut my Klanq limb off. I ubernostrum'd the limb, then tried to hang around other creatures (my dumb party member actually) that had been klanq'd in an attempt to get it back. However, I somehow got infected with ficklegill instead, and had to do a full worm-eating fungus cure.

But after all that, I realized that I could still puff spores, even though I had lost the limb, so I went about completing the quest. When it was over, the puff spores ability stayed, and I still explode in spores whenever hit, but for all the world, it doesn't seem like I can get rid of the spores ability or the Klanq condition. Is there a wish command or a save file code edit that could get me out of this? I've tried fungone and curefungus, but they didn't work. Is there maybe a way to re-complete the Pax quest so it purges the puff spores ability?

Comments (5)

  1. rockygr

    I've replicated it on this save, if you puff spores it'll complete the quest, but since the member hosting the Klanq infection was dismembered before finishing it, you'll still be able to puff spores and burst into spores when damaged (and there's no way to cure that)

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