Weak Melee / Strong Ranged AI makes bad decisions

Issue #4328 on hold
Mark Grant created an issue

Scenario that brought this home for me: Graverobber generated in open world without his dagger. He happily engaged my lvl 5 character at melee range with his pickaxe and let me steal all his good stuff. The graverobber in the open world himself is hardly a common occurrence but I think this is probably the case for any NPC that lacks a decent melee weapon but has a good ranged weapon.

I dithered between calling this a minor bug or a major enhancement. I think the good solution is probably a major enhancement. There are probably XML fixes that could be called minor/trivial bugs that would fix the most extreme cases like this unexpected graverobber, but I landed on major enhancement because this is the first time I’ve encountered it in a really glaring way and it made me think about the ‘right’ way of addressing it which is really a significant AI enhancement not really a bug.

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