'seenedness' from clairvoyance isn't ideal

Issue #4410 wontfix
Mark Grant created an issue

There are various things you can’t do if you see a hostile creature. Usually (maybe always but I feel like there are some exceptions where it absolutely won’t let you? can’t remember what I’m thinking about to confirm though) these are range dependent and based on configurable settings.

Right now, this means that when you’re being clairvoyant you can’t do those things even though you could do them before being clairvoyant. This isn’t really ideal behavior, I went with enhancement on this instead of bug because usually it’s just something I’d like to see change, but there are situations where it’s on the border and edging towards feeling buggy (e.g. if config is set to a longer range then you might suddenly not be able to rest because of a hostile bat on the other side of the map surrounded by walls)

My sense of ideal behavior would be to track ‘seenedness because of clairvoyance' separately and for action blocking things look at both and if ‘seen with the first two eyes' is false but ‘seen with the third eye’ is true then prompt user to choose whether they want to take the action given that their psychic powers have revealed X.

Comments (4)

  1. chaos

    The main problem with hostiles and clairvoyance interacting was fixed in another ticket. The solution to the cases raised here is to decrease your caring-about-hostiles radius.

  2. Mark Grant reporter

    Ah. I did not realize that these were connected, but since you mention it I think I’ve noticed that the issue much less since the exploration one was fixed. I’ll do a more extensive testing on it in the next few days but I think it feels OK now.

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