suggestions for the murdering of allies

Issue #4538 wontfix
Mark Grant created an issue
  • If you do something that inflicts non-trivial damage against a beguiled/proselytized/love injectored/etc creature they should get an additional saving throw to break the beguilement (etc). Perhaps with bonuses based on amount of damage inflicted.

    • It might be a good idea to apply this to the player only. This may not be important if this doesn’t impact willing allies. Not sure whether it should impact willing allies, because right now for the most part there are pretty good reasons not to kill your own willing allies (massive universal faction penalties, and the only exception to this is if your allies had their own allies that now work for you since you wouldn’t have a water bond with them).
  • Less importantly, it might be a good idea to remove ability to get XP gain from killing an ally. This is not that important because anything you’re likely to successfully beguile isn’t going to give a terribly significant amount of XP. (Again, water bonds are the exception and their allies are the double secret exception but that is a rare scenario and if player gets a few hundred or thousand XP because of this it’s still trivial to repeat).

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