giant hands issues

Issue #4546 wontfix
Mark Grant created an issue
  • if you install giant hands it should probably force re-equip your hands (right now you have to manually unequip and re-equip in order to benefit which is OK but not consistent with how other things in the game work)
  • if you install giant hands, should it really affect robo hands
  • it also probably shouldn’t affect mutant arms (or maybe it should let you install additional implants into those hands)

edit (adding one more since this hasn’t been triaged yet):

  • Giant hands says it allows you to hold two-handed melee weapons in one hand, but this also appears to apply to missile weapons. My inclination is to say that it should not apply to missile weapons; accepting for a moment that the main limiting factor behind holding a two-handed sword in one hand is the smallness of our hands – the same would not really seem to apply to most missile weapons (a bow must be drawn with one hand and held with the other and, although I’ve never actually shot one, I would think that having larger hands would probably make aiming a rifle one-handed harder) although there are some where you could make some argument (basically I think this would include the heavy category of weapons where, in most cases at least, aim is not the main thing).

Alternatively -- if Uncle Jack’s hands are meant to have even more inexplicable powers -- an update to the description to clarify this is probably in order since it makes the implant even more useful.

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