Chimera rapid advancement prompt

Issue #4567 new
JRB created an issue

The rapid advancement prompts on level-up for chimeras are too unforgiving of accidental clicking through. Especially if there’s also a prompt to spend MP before advancing, a second’s inattention can commit you irreversibly to a major decision (or even two) before you realize what’s going on,

I have two suggestions:

a) that the “spend MP before advancing” prompt is scrapped, and that instead the rapid advancement menu allows us to press M to buy a mutation, just like the character sheet. (So we can’t inadvertently do it just by hitting space one too many times.)

b) that we should be asked to confirm the choice of mutation to rapidly advance, which we aren’t at present. (If we advance a mutation conventionally by spending an MP, we are asked to confirm it.)

Comments (3)

  1. JRB reporter

    I thought of a much better solution. The issue only really arises when levelling up during a conversation. So you could just (include an option to) delay adding the XP until the conversation finishes.

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