Historical site level not generating

Issue #4590 resolved
ssigmier created an issue

In attached save, the map “liminal floor, Ekarqashur, 2 strata deep” at Ekarqashur (world map coordinate x,x) will not generate, instead getting stuck on “building zone”. Approaching this map from above or below (via stairs or NoClip) or from an adjacent map on the same level results in this hanging process.

The levels above and below appear to generate normally. However, going from level 4 to 3 while testing prompted a “fatal exception” in attempting to save the game. After retrying the same action, I got stuck on the “building zone” again.

I’ll keep playing with the file, let me know if there’s any other info I can provide.

Comments (6)

  1. Armithaig

    Hehe, the ruins builder attempts to clean up doors that generate without sufficient wall support. An animated door in this case that it could not clear because it's a combat object.

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