suggestion: ego nerf, Esper morphotype enhanced

Issue #4591 wontfix
Mark Grant created an issue


  • Right now Esper morphotype is not especially appealing. It does have the advantage of eliminating a bunch of mutations that are less useful for psych builds, but this is significantly offset by losing out on some very useful physical mutations that actually make mental mutation characters better or easier (survival viability)
  • Ego stacking is way easy, and is actually more easy for a non-esper than an esper (two heads=four faces)

General Solution: These problems solve each other:

  • Make Ego’s ability to increase mental mutation levels a perk of the Esper morphotype

    • Tbh I would be tempted to reduce this bonus to half bonus instead of bonus, but lately I’ve been playing two-headed so I may be being a little extreme here, but still, even half bonus gets very strong as the game goes on and it’s still infinitely more than non-Esper’s would get under this system. (One more point in support of this even though I honestly am torn: with the current system.. even without four faces it’s almost always better to spend 4 mutation points on a new mutation than to actually invest in improving a mutation. Even with physical mutations I rarely see the benefit in specializing, but it’s extremely true of mental mutations because of the ego boosts. )

      • Variations on this theme could include adding the ability to allow Espers to pick a mutation to ‘specialize’ in which becomes eligible for full ego benefit?

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